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You can use SvelteKit to build apps as well as component libraries, using the @sveltejs/package package (npm create svelte has an option to set this up for you).

When you're creating an app, the contents of src/routes is the public-facing stuff; src/lib contains your app's internal library.

A component library has the exact same structure as a SvelteKit app, except that src/lib is the public-facing bit. src/routes might be a documentation or demo site that accompanies the library, or it might just be a sandbox you use during development.

Running the svelte-package command from @sveltejs/package will take the contents of src/lib and generate a package directory (which can be configured) containing the following:

  • All the files in src/lib, unless you configure the custom files option. Svelte components will be preprocessed, TypeScript files will be transpiled to JavaScript.
  • Type definitions (d.ts files) which are generated for Svelte, JavaScript and TypeScript files. You need to install typescript >= 4.0.0 for this. Type definitions are placed next to their implementation, hand-written d.ts files are copied over as is. You can disable generation by setting emitTypes: false, but we strongly recommend against it — people using your library might use TypeScript, for which they require these type definition files.
  • A package.json copied from the project root with all fields except "scripts", "" and "publishConfig.linkDirectory". The "dependencies" field is included, which means you should add packages that you only need for your documentation or demo site to "devDependencies". A "type": "module" and an "exports" field will be added if it's not defined in the original file. You can customize the final package.json contents through the packageJson option, which is passed the original and generated package.json. If you return undefined, the package.json will not be written to the output directory.

The "exports" field contains the package's entry points. By default, all files in src/lib will be treated as an entry point unless they start with (or live in a directory that starts with) an underscore, but you can configure this behaviour through the packageJson option. If you have a src/lib/index.js or src/lib/index.svelte file, it will be treated as the package root.

For example, if you had a src/lib/Foo.svelte component and a src/lib/index.js module that re-exported it, a consumer of your library could do either of the following:

import { Foo } from 'your-library';
import Foo from 'your-library/Foo.svelte';

You should avoid using SvelteKit-specific modules like $app in your packages unless you intend for them to only be consumable by other SvelteKit projects. E.g. rather than using import { browser } from '$app/environment' you could use import.meta.env.SSR to make the library available to all Vite-based projects or better yet use Node conditional exports to make it work for all bundlers. You may also wish to pass in things like the current URL or a navigation action as a prop rather than relying directly on $app/stores, $app/navigation, etc. Writing your app in this more generic fashion will also make it easier to setup tools for testing, UI demos and so on.


svelte-package accepts the following options:

  • -w/--watch — watch files in src/lib for changes and rebuild the package


To publish the generated package:

npm publish ./package

The ./package above is referring to the directory name generated, change accordingly if you configure a custom package.dir.


All relative file imports need to be fully specified, adhering to Node's ESM algorithm. This means you cannot import the file src/lib/something/index.js like import { something } from './something, instead you need to import it like this: import { something } from './something/index.js. If you are using TypeScript, you need to import .ts files the same way, but using a .js file ending, not a .ts file ending (this isn't under our control, the TypeScript team has made that decision). Setting "moduleResolution": "NodeNext" in your tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json will help you with this.

This is a relatively experimental feature and is not yet fully implemented. All files except Svelte files (preprocessed) and TypeScript files (transpiled to JavaScript) are copied across as-is.